There you go! NRZBot is almost done! Well, I could say that this will be my final project for MyBot, and I've decided to change it's name to NRZBot. there will be not much changes for the next update(might add some additional stuff), NRZBot will consist of a complete bot with auto attack, auto loot, and auto skills for buffs, also a value-based autopotter and a time-based autopotter to choose on depending on your botting method. Additionally, an auto-clicker was included into this bot for fast clicking purpose.

[Screen Shot]

Ok, This will be the screenshot of NRZBot. There will be a tutorial in it to help you guys so that you will not be messing up with it. Anyway, I'm still on the final part, will be release soon. Might be in these few days.

Well, I accept any suggestion to add in more features. Please give me some feedback to improve it.

**NRZBot is complete. It will be release tomorrow(9/6/2010).
**An additional features has been added, an Auto Mover. It will help the character to move ONLY left and            right for specific time.
