My new present to the fellow friends who visit my blog constantly, an undetected cheat engine. Well, this engine was originally created by nimo1993 in bbs.yoyo-do forum. The undetected cheat engine was incomplete actually, it doesn't support value freezing type of hacks. It can only use to assemble your own scripts, and that's why it still in beta version.(I suppose) =)

For those who cannot read chinese, I'll include the steps on how to run this cheat engine.

1. Click the circle one after waiting 5 sec (I agree)

2. Run your MapleStory.

3. Click the bottom part to attach your  CE to MapleStory.

and you are good to go.

To add in an Auto Assemble script, click the + button, paste your script and tick it.

[*notice] Do use the bypass I uploaded in my previous post to use your script. Memory editing needs bypass even with an Undetected Cheat Engine.

1. To nimo1993 who release this.
2. To Noob(w8baby) a.k.a iplaymaple4u(Xemectrum) who releasing it in w8baby and let me found it.

[Download Link]
1. Click Here
2. Mirror