MyTrainer v2.1

After few days working on it, I've done with MyTrainer v2.1. Basically, it does what MyTrainer v2.1 does, but with a good looking GUI and a better layout. =)


Still, you need a bypass to use this, you'll get kicked out off the game if you intent to use it without inserting a bypass before.
Have fun using it.

[Download Link]

MyTrainer v2

I'm ready with MyTrainer v2. This hacks has more features than the last one. Well, everything was the same as MyTrainer, it just I've added few hacks in it.
*NOTICE: Some hacks does ban. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. You have been warned.


Tell me if any hacks doesn't work. I'll try to figure it out.

[Download Link]
MyTrainer v2
MyTrainer v2(Mirror)

[Tut]How to Make a DLL Trainer

Well since a lot of you guys asking me on how to make a trainer, I'll just post a tutorial on how to make a simple trainer like I've released. This was a total spoon feed so it will be copy and paste and edit. First, there are few things you need:
1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
2. A lil knowledge about Assembly.

Ok, let's start this. Run your Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Click New Project->Win32 and Enter your Project name. Lets say Trainer. Click Ok and next, choose DLL and Empty project. Now you are in Trainer.cpp blank page. Ok, now go Solution Explorer(You could find it easily a View tab) and you'll see 4 things there:
1. External Dependencies
2. Header Files
3. Resource Files
4. Source Files

Now you need to add in a few files inside these folders to make it work. To add a file, simply right click->Add and choose your extension. For Header Files, choose .h extension. For Source Files, choose .cpp extension.  I'm lazy so I posted a screenshot for you all to look at, add all the files inside the screenshot.

Ok, if you follow my simple tutorial, these would be your files to make your first dll trainer. We'll use the most simple example for this tutorial.Super tubi.
//Tubi(Updated by nerrazzuri msea v93)
00488AA6: //75 ? 83 7C 24 ? ? 75 ? 8B ? ? ? ? ? FF 70 ? 83 C0 ? 50
DB 90 90
00488AA6: //75 ? 83 7C 24 ? ? 75 ? 8B ? ? ? ? ? FF 70 ? 83 C0 ? 50
jne 00488ADE //byte 75 36

Now, Open up your Trainer.h and paste the codes below into it.
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"")
#include Window.h (add <>, I couldn't add here)

#include tchar.h (add <>, I couldn't add here)


void SuperTubi(__in BOOL bEnable);//To add in more hacks, simply copy this line and paste it at the bottom, and change the name SuperTubi to others for example NoKnockBack.

After you have done, now we move to the part where everyone loves, GUI. Go back to the Solution Explorer->Right Click at the Resource Files. Add a Resource(not item) and choose Dialog(DO NOT CLICK THE +, click Dialog and click new and you'll bring to a Dialog Box which is like below:

Add in a checkbox at the Dialog Editor(You can found it easily at View->Toolbars) like mine below.

You could resize your Dialog Box and the size you edited will be show up while you inject into the game.

Open up, dllmain.h and paste this inside.
#include Window.h (add <>, I couldn't add here)

#include tchar.h (add <>, I couldn't add here)

extern HINSTANCE g_h_main_instance;

And finally your gui.h
#include Window,h (add <>, I couldn't add here)

#include stdlib.h (add <>, I couldn't add here)

#include CommCtrl (add <>, I couldn't add here)

#include "resource.h"

DWORD WINAPI CreateGUIThread(__in LPVOID lParam);
INT_PTR CALLBACK DialogProc(__in HWND hwndDlg,__in UINT uMsg,__in WPARAM wParam,__in LPARAM lParam);

Now go to your Source Files, and open up your dllmain.cpp and paste this
#include "dllmain.h"
#include "gui.h"

HINSTANCE g_h_main_instance;

BOOL WINAPI DllMain(__in HINSTANCE hinstDLL, __in DWORD fdwReason, __in LPVOID lpvReserved)
    g_h_main_instance = hinstDLL;    
    CreateThread(0, 0, CreateGUIThread, 0, 0, 0);
  return TRUE;

And your gui.cpp
#include "gui.h"
#include "dllmain.h"
#include "cheats.h"

DWORD WINAPI CreateGUIThread(__in LPVOID lParam)
DialogBox(g_h_main_instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1), 0, DialogProc);
return 0;

INT_PTR CALLBACK DialogProc(__in HWND hwndDlg,__in UINT uMsg,__in WPARAM wParam,__in LPARAM lParam)
int checked;


return TRUE;

       case IDC_CHECK1:    
checked = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_CHECK1);

case WM_CLOSE:
EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0);

return 0;

Ok, now finally, open up your Trainer.cpp, add this
#include "Trainer.h"

BOOL WriteAddress(__in LPVOID lpcvBase, __in LPCVOID lpcvWriteValue, __in size_t uSize)
DWORD old_protection = 0;

if(VirtualProtect(lpcvBase, uSize, PAGE_READWRITE, &old_protection))
memcpy_s(lpcvBase, uSize, lpcvWriteValue, uSize);
VirtualProtect(lpcvBase, uSize, old_protection, &old_protection);
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

VOID SuperTubi(__in BOOL bEnable)
static BYTE normalbytes[] = {0x75, 0x36}; //DISABLED bytes of the hack
static BYTE hackonbytes[] = {0x90, 0x90}; //ENABLED bytes of the hack
static DWORD HackAddr = 0x00488AA6; //Address of the hack

WriteAddress((LPVOID)HackAddr, hackonbytes, 2); //Number of ENABLED bytes...
WriteAddress((LPVOID)HackAddr, normalbytes, 2); //Number of DISABLED bytes...

Well, this is the main part of the codes. I'll explain it 1 by 1, follow me tightly. Firstly you need to know the bytes for the hacks. Simply open Cheat Engine and go to the address and you'll see something like 00488AA6(Address)-75 36(Bytes)-jne 00488ADE(Opcodes). Copy down the bytes part.
static BYTE normalbytes[] = {0x75, 0x36};
Your original bytes.(The one found in Cheat Engine.)

static BYTE hackonbytes[] = {0x90, 0x90};
Your edited bytes.(90 = nop = do nothing)

static DWORD HackAddr = 0x00488AA6;
Your hack address.

WriteAddress((LPVOID)HackAddr, hackonbytes, 2);
The bytes you need to activate the hacks. (Super tubi have 2 because 90 90, so if your hack bytes are 90 90 90, then change the 2 to 3)

WriteAddress((LPVOID)HackAddr, normalbytes, 2);
Your disable bytes amount.(Change it if you have different amount)

Now you have your done your Trainer.cpp, go to gui.cpp. If you have more checkbox to tick with, do it like me.

The IDC_CHECK1 is your checkbox ID to find it, back to Solution Explorer->Resource Files->Dialog->Double click your Dialog Box, and right click your check box and select properties. There will be a properties box beside(either on left or right) and find the (Name) and it would be your check box name. Change both the IDC_CHECK1 to your check box name. And lastly, Change the SuperTubi name to the hack name you've declared in the Trainer.h(must exactly the same) and you are done!

Click the save all button at the top(I assume you could search yourself) and click Build->Build Solution to see whether there is error or not. If your codes are perfectly done, go back to Solution Explorer, right click the Solution 'Trainer' (1 project) and select Configuration Manager. Change Debug to Release and go back to Build and click Rebuild Solution. And CONGRATULATIONS! You have just done your first dll trainer!.

To find your dll, simply go My Document->;Visual Studio 2010->;Project->;Trainer->;Release.

Well, that's all from my tutorial, hope you'll have fun making your own trainer. Good Luck guys!

[Dowload Link]
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional

Goomba @GK for the teaching me how to do it.
Me, for typing this freaking long tutorial  :D

MSHSCRC Bypass Detected.

Sadly to say, the MSHSCRC bypass was detected after the client patch. Hackshield updated and the MSHSCRC was detected after awhile the dll injected into the game. I will try my best to find out a new one but I couldn't be sure of it. Since the bypass was detected, MyTrainer v2 will not be release until a bypass was found.

MapleStory SEA v0.92 patched, MyTrainer is no longer usable.

Since MapleStory SEA v0.92 have been patched, MyTrainer is not usable for the new and upcoming version, I'll release my new version of MyTrainer v2 when I'm done with it. The MyTrainer v2 should contain a set of hacks and bypass was integrated in so you don't need to inject both. The screen shot of MyTrainer v2 is only below this post and it will be done within 2 days.(Kinda busy with my stuff now). Anyway, if I could make it earlier, I'll just release the trainer when I'm done, 2 days would be enough I think. Well, that's all from my words on MyTrainer v2, hope everyone will enjoy it once it has been released.

MyTrainer v2

Since MyTrainer was a success, I decided to continue. This is the preview of my next trainer, MyTrainer v2. Well it does add in some more features like, vacs, fun hacks and some other hacks.

The hacks in the preview are mostly will be added in for the next update. Suggestion is needed.


The trainer will be up after MSEA patch.

[Release Date]

Undetected Cheat Engine

My new present to the fellow friends who visit my blog constantly, an undetected cheat engine. Well, this engine was originally created by nimo1993 in bbs.yoyo-do forum. The undetected cheat engine was incomplete actually, it doesn't support value freezing type of hacks. It can only use to assemble your own scripts, and that's why it still in beta version.(I suppose) =)

For those who cannot read chinese, I'll include the steps on how to run this cheat engine.

1. Click the circle one after waiting 5 sec (I agree)

2. Run your MapleStory.

3. Click the bottom part to attach your  CE to MapleStory.

and you are good to go.

To add in an Auto Assemble script, click the + button, paste your script and tick it.

[*notice] Do use the bypass I uploaded in my previous post to use your script. Memory editing needs bypass even with an Undetected Cheat Engine.

1. To nimo1993 who release this.
2. To Noob(w8baby) a.k.a iplaymaple4u(Xemectrum) who releasing it in w8baby and let me found it.

[Download Link]
1. Click Here
2. Mirror

A tutorial on how to use CE memory view without any bypass

Ok, I don't know if this was posted before or what, I discover this myself. And this wasn't for those who has a full bypass for memory editing. Memory view in Cheat Engine 5.6 was blocked by MapleStory to prevent any memory editing inside the game. Since MapleSEA wasn't like the other versions, which has a patcher page to click start to enter the game, it just load the game when you run it. But there are ways to "bypass" on how to view the memory without a real full bypass and it's as easy as ABC.
Well, for doing this, you need only :
1. A simple brain
2. Cheat Engine 5.6 (You can found that easily I guess?)
3. MapleStory(Of course)

Alright, lets start this. I'll explain it as simple as I could and wish you all could understand my words.(My grammar wasn't that good LOL)

1. Fire up your Cheat Engine 5.6
2. Open up your Task Manager.
3. Run your MapleStory.
4. While Hackshield load, find HSUpdate.exe and end it's process(by clicking end process button)
and you are to a certain extent, "BYPASSED"!(Well only to view memory, not to play the game, hackshield doesn't load = MapleStory not starting)

And this is for newbie hackers who wish to learn to hack.
1. Click the glowing computer on the top left of Cheat Engine 5.6.
2. Find the MapleStory,exe and Open.
3. Check your Memory View, you could view memory of MapleStory now!

Good luck in finding great hacks!=)

The Awesome auto potter!

The AWESOME auto potter is here! A value-based and percentage based potter. The auto potter, by it's name, we know that it will help us to drink potion while we are botting or sometimes while you forget to check your HP/MP bar. It can use potion in 2 ways, either by value or by percentage. By value is to set the value where you want to drink your potion. Percentage works the same.

1. Inject the MSHSCRC.dll I provided in my other post FIRST.
2. Inject the Potter.dll and CLICK THE "HSCRC" AND "GET MAX VALUES"
3. Set either value or percentage based to drink the potion on both HP and MP.
4. Tick the checkbox beside the HP/MP bar and


Credit to Waffle for this awesome potter.
I did not take any credit for this.


Any problem can comment me!or email me and I'll try to help you out!
[If you want to advertise it on your website or forum or so, link back to my blog for the downloads, if I found there are someone who trying to upload the stuff him/herself, I'll stop sharing.]

[Download Link]

My first post with my first trainer!

Alright,I just learn on how to make a dll trainer on myself. There aren't many stuff I added in. Just some simple and basic hacks. I'll try to include more hacks inside for the next update. I included a MSHSCRC bypass and an injector for the trainer. I know some AV will detect the injector as virus, it's just false positive though, don't worry too much about it. Anyway, I'll seperate the injector with the trainer for those have their own injector. 

Tubi - Makes you loot faster.
ZZVac - Vac all the monsters to 0,0 coordinates.(Might A/B, never try for long, use at own risk)
Instant Drop - Items and mesos drop animation cancelled.
Blink Godmode - Immune to attack for around 45 sec.
Swear Hack - Allow you to speak words that are blocked by the server.(Vulgarities, I'm not encouraging)

1. Use any injector or the Winject I have uploaded here to inject MSHSCRC.dll FIRST!
2. After success injecting the bypass, inject MyTrainer.dll.
3. Tick the hacks you want to use and

*TADA* you are good to go! =)

*note : to disable the hack just untick it and it should back to normal state.

This is the screenshot of my trainer. Simple but useful =)

Edit: Re-download the trainer. I uploaded the wrong one. LOL! This should be working.
Edit: The trainer has problem. I decide to take down and check it.
Edit: I think I know the problem already. Download THIS(32bit Windows.) and install.
Edit: Updated ZZVac addy which cause DC.

[If you want to advertise it on your website or forum or so, link back to my blog for the downloads, if I found there are someone who trying to upload the stuff him/herself, I'll stop sharing.]
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 Package (32bit)
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 Package (64bit)
Updated Trainer+MSHSCRC
(The link will ask you to do survey and provide your phone number, sorry for the annoying survey, i need it, thanks.)

Post any problems or further improvement here!=)

Have fun hacking MapleStory!