NRZBot v2.2(Bot Fixed)

Here is the long-waited NRZBot v2.2. The functions are almost the same in NRZBot v2.0 but I added few features for the ease of botting. And because this NRZBot v2.2 is a total different codebase than the 2.0 one, if it's buggy, let me know. For details explanation, read the "Help" tab inside my bot.

[Added Features]
1. Auto Move with 3 options - Now botters can choose from the Auto Move tab with 3 options, Move One Side, Move Both Side and Normal Move.
2. Key choosing features. - Botters can choose which key to be use for different skills.

To be honest, I'm fairly new to the .Net Framework codebase which makes me kinda headache when making this bot. I've disable some buttons in the bot as I'm still figuring how to make it. Will update once I figure those buttons.

1. Added Hotkeys for different checkboxes.
2. Attack will stop when Auto Move is on.(Keyboard detection, theoretically, when Left or Right arrow is pressed, attack will stop, when the arrow keys is released, attack will continue)

Edit : 
1. Bot Updated. All buttons works perfectly now. The "Save", "Load", "Exit NRZBot" and the "Exit MapleStory" works as it says.
2. Fixed some mistake on Move One Side codes.

-Let me know what to improve-

[How to use]
I've include an .exe injector which will ONLY inject the NRZBot v2.1 so that some dumbass which don't know how to deal with dll file will able to run it.
1. Run MapleStory FIRST.
2. Run NRZBot v2.1.exe(Run as admin if you are on Vista/7)
3. If there is a chance the injector doesn't inject(Fail injection), search for any injector that works for your PC, and inject the NRZBot v2.1 manually.

[Screen Shot]






NRZBot v2.2

NRZChat Spammer

Here is the chat spammer I made, nothing much to say about it, just add in a few text, press F9 and you'll be spamming the text one by one.

[How to use]
1. Run MapleStory.
2. Run NRZChat Spammer.
3. Click the drop down box and search for "MapleStory"
4. Insert few line of texts.
5. Press F9 or click the SPAM checkbox.

[How to save text]
1. Click the "Save Text" button and browse for the "default.spam" file.
2. Save.

[How to load text]
1. Click the "Load Text" button and browse for the "default.spam" file.
2. Open.

[Screen Shot]

Waffle for his wonderful source.

[Download Link]
NRZChat Spammer

NRZBot v2.0 Injector

This is an injector specially made by me for the injection of NRZBot v2.0
Tested in windows 7 and works. I'm not sure about the other OS since I don't have them.

**NOTE: Put the NRZBot v2.0 in the same folder as the injector.

1. Run MapleStory first.(MUST, or else the injection will fail)
2. Run the injector.(Run as admin for Vista/7 users)
3. And you'll get the NRZBot v2.0 interface.

Download and install this if you have error running the Injector.
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 Package (32bit)
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 Package (64bit)

Help me to test it and let me know if the injector working, it works on my Window 7 64 bit though.

3 detected. Believe me, it's false positive, but if you don't, don't use it. That's all.

[Download Link]
NRZBot v2.0 Injector

[Tutorial]How to convert ASM script to C++

Yes, this is a tutorial including converting simple AA script, to codecave scripts. 
It will be short and sweet. I don't include any dll stuff inside just merge it with the dll you've made.
Ok, let's start it.

We take this simple Instant Drop script

//instant drop
// updated to MSEA 93 by nerrazzuri
add [eax],al
add [eax],al
add [eax],al
add [eax],al

add [eax],al
add [eax],al
add [eax-71],al
inc eax

now to convert to a C++ script, you need to have it's bytes, which located in the memory view of Cheat Engine. (To learn on how to view Cheat Engine memory without getting HAD, LOOK HERE.)

I'll just give you the bytes here.

add [eax], al //bytes 00 00
add [eax-71], al//bytes 00 40 8f
inc eax// bytes 40

The byte should be, 00 00 00 00 00 40 8f 40. This is the [disable] part, while for the [enable] part, we see that,

add [eax], al // bytes 00 00

So, the bytes should be 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.

Create variables for the address that will be edited in the script.

DWORD dwInstantDropAddy = 0x00af0dd0;

Declare a variable that will hold the bytes when the hack is enabled.

BYTE Enabledbytes[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

Declare a variable that will hold the bytes when the hack is disabled.

BYTE Disabledbytes[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40, 0x8f, 0x40};

And write a function for the hacks

void InstantDrop (__in BOOL bEnable)
           memcpy((void*)dwInstantDropAddy, Enabledbytes, sizeof(Enabledbytes));
           memcpy((void*)dwInstantDropAddy, Disabledbytes, sizeof(Disabledbytes));

now you are successfully converted a simple AA script to C++. :D

We are going to a more advance step, codecave, TBH, sometimes I have difficulties to convert some script also, but in these tutorial, I'll just teach you how to convert scripts that I know.

We are using full monster book script. Here is it.


jmp MonsterBook

mov eax,5
jmp 0095d04d

call 007018c0


Alright, for codecave script, you could use inline ASM to insert the script directly. But first, you have to define jump globally so that the function could jump into the inline ASM script.

#define jmp(frm, to) (int)(((int)to - (int)frm) - 5);

And then, we declare the address.

DWORD g_dwBook = 0x0095d048, g_dwBooKRet = g_dwBook + 5;
char  g_szBookMem[5];

I know a lot of people doesn't really understand this, just follow the tutorial and you'll eventually understand it. :D 

Create a function for inline ASM and add the AA script into it.

__declspec(naked) void __stdcall MonsterBook()
         mov eax,5
         jmp dword ptr [g_dwBookRet]

Ok, I'll explain this one by one, why

g_dwBooKRet = g_dwBook + 5;

It's because the codecave need to jump to the address 0095d04d, which have 5 bytes at the original address 0095d048.

Well for the 

jmp dword ptr [g_dwBookRet]

It's kinda like, jump a word instead of byte(correct me if i'm wrong).

Now, we need to create a function to call the inline ASM.

void tglMonsterBook(__in BOOL bEnable)
     memcpy(g_szBookMem, (void*)g_dwBook, 5)//copy clean memory
          *(BYTE*)  g_dwBook = 0xe9; // 0xe9 = jmp
          *(DWORD*)(g_dwBook + 1) = jmp(g_dwBook, MonsterBook); // jmp to cave
           memcpy( (void*)g_dwBook, g_szBookMem, 5);//copy the original bytes back to the address

This is basically how a codecave script could be written in C++. I'll explain what is in the function.

*(BYTE*)  g_dwBook = 0xe9;

as I stated, it is a jump into the inline assembly script. We declare a jump that will jump to the codecave.

*(DWORD*)(g_dwBook + 1) = jmp(g_dwBook, MonsterBook);

This is where will jump into the codecave script.

Well that's all from my tutorial, correct me if I had written anything wrong, we can learn together. =)

NRZBot v2.0

Yeah, the NRZBot v2.0 was done. It has all the features which all botters need. I've updated the Auto Bot with 2 new features, a charging bot and aran swing bot. Charging bot is used for charged skills like Big Bang and Ice Breath. While Aran Bot will include 2 skills, Double Swing and Triple Swing. I will add more features like combo attack when I'm free. Please take note that the Aran Double Swing and Triple Swing is not usable with the Auto Loot feature. Use a pet loot instead. Too bad there is no other idea to make an Aran swing bot with Auto Loot feature on except using a packet. The screenshot will not be posted since the bot interface doesn't change much.

- Pointer viewer : This is view your current pointers which included your character X/Y position, Attack Count, Channel, Map ID, HP/MP and many more. This will ease especially those who are active in wz edit map and the ID will show up for you instead of googling every time.

- Auto Clicker : The auto clicker will help bot user to click at a certain X-Y position. It was for fast clicking purpose. Especially for those who loves PQ much.

- Auto Potter : There will be 2 auto potter included in NRZBot.
                    - Value-Based Auto Potter : Take pots according to your HP/MP value.
                    - Time-Based Auto Potter : Take pots according the time you've set.

- Auto Bot : This is where bot users could set their skills for botting.
                    - Auto Loot : Helps bot users to loot item by pressing the "Z" key.
                    - Auto Attack : Helps bot users to Attack by pressing the "C" key.
                    - Auto Skills : Extra for bot users to cast skills or buffs on both "D" and "F" keys.
                    - Auto Mover : Help bot users to cancel the anti-bot detection by pressing the arrow keys.

                    - (*NEW)Charge Bot : Charge bot will help botters to charge up the skill and release it repeatly.
                    - (*NEW)Aran Bot : Aran skills, Double Swing and Triple Swing. 

[Download Link]
NRZBot v2.0



Finally, I could proudly present my newest project to you! The NRZBot. As I've stated in the previous post, the NRZBot contain every single stuff you might need to use for botting purpose. The bot is currently working for every skills except double swing and triple swing, which was under development now. Once I've done my aran bot, it will be added into NRZBot for the next update. As you can see from the screenshot, there will be a tutorial to help you guys on how to use the setting before you start to use NRZBot. But be sure to read it or else you'll get screwed up especially for the auto potter part. I've included a save function for you guys so that you'll just load the setting for your character and you doesn't need to re-enter every single delay everytime you start up the bot.

- Wordings changed, resized the bot.
- Fixed a bug where Auto Loot will be turn off when Auto Mover turn on.


- Pointer viewer : This is view your current pointers which included your character X/Y position, Attack Count, Channel, Map ID, HP/MP and many more. This will ease especially those who are active in wz edit map and the ID will show up for you instead of googling every time.

- Auto Clicker : The auto clicker will help bot user to click at a certain X-Y position. It was for fast clicking purpose. Especially for those who loves PQ much.

- Auto Potter : There will be 2 auto potter included in NRZBot.
                    - Value-Based Auto Potter : Take pots according to your HP/MP value.
                    - Time-Based Auto Potter : Take pots according the time you've set.

- Auto Bot : This is where bot users could set their skills for botting.
                    - Auto Loot : Helps bot users to loot item by pressing the "Z" key.
                    - Auto Attack : Helps bot users to Attack by pressing the "C" key.
                    - Auto Skills : Extra for bot users to cast skills or buffs on both "D" and "F" keys.
                    - Auto Mover : Help bot users to cancel the anti-bot detection by pressing the arrow keys.


Well, as you can see, there will be a tutorial about on how to use the bot. So read it first before asking stupid questions. Everything is stated inside the tutorial clearly and IF there is something I missed out, just let me know.
Feedback needed. Please comment on my new project, I need that to improve NRZBot for next update.

Virus Scan

[Download Link]


There you go! NRZBot is almost done! Well, I could say that this will be my final project for MyBot, and I've decided to change it's name to NRZBot. there will be not much changes for the next update(might add some additional stuff), NRZBot will consist of a complete bot with auto attack, auto loot, and auto skills for buffs, also a value-based autopotter and a time-based autopotter to choose on depending on your botting method. Additionally, an auto-clicker was included into this bot for fast clicking purpose.

[Screen Shot]

Ok, This will be the screenshot of NRZBot. There will be a tutorial in it to help you guys so that you will not be messing up with it. Anyway, I'm still on the final part, will be release soon. Might be in these few days.

Well, I accept any suggestion to add in more features. Please give me some feedback to improve it.

**NRZBot is complete. It will be release tomorrow(9/6/2010).
**An additional features has been added, an Auto Mover. It will help the character to move ONLY left and            right for specific time.
